
Everything's OK

Reverb 10  – December 24  – Everything’s OK 

 Dark moments
fresh wounds
old scars opened
 ugly places
times of loss
and suffering
there is still
Hope lives.

This picture was taken during an urban walk I took with an 18 month old pal yesterday. I spotted this lizard sunning on top of a black plastic rat trap. We stopped to watch the lizard and the lizard began to watch us. For many minutes we quietly stood and then sat there. My young friend was in awe, the kind of awe that brightens your eyes and drops your jaw. Unaware of the ugliness that the lizard was on top of, he simply beamed at this new discovery. I was almost able to narrow my focus too, then the wind shifted and the smell made it hard to forget the full picture.

Written in response to the following prompt. "What was the best moment that could serve as proof that everything is going to be alright? And how will you incorporate that discovery into the year ahead?"(Author: Kate Inglis)

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