
One Word

Reverb10 - December 1 One Word.

185/365 From a little spark bursts a mighty flame


This year has been a series of unexpected gifts. I've resisted many of them. I've wasted days and dragged my feet through some of the weeks. Now having turned my calendar to its final page, I feel a sense of gratitude for this year washing over me. Sitting with this sensation, I realize that things are changing within me. I am on the verge. On the verge of better understanding my mind, my body and my purpose. Of believing in myself as an artist, a friend and someone with things to offer this world.

Many things have sparked within me. 

I finally parted ways with some toxic people and found wonderful, inspiring new friends.
I left a job I loved only pieces of to follow my passions along new and winding paths.

Moving into a smaller home, I am unearthing joy in simplifying the spaces around me.
Picking up paint brushes, pens and cameras often, I invited my artist to return.

The laughter of children brought me great happiness and I'm learning to trust this.

Next year, I will make these sparks

Picture by: Mykl Roventine   


  1. I love this idea of making our sparks fly, what an exciting and hopeful image!

  2. Agreed - and the picture is perfect. Go Heather go!

  3. this is absolutely inspiring. spark, indeed. and to send them flying, well it seems you have a head start on that. so glad you here.

  4. Beautiful image -- both the words and the photo.

  5. Love, love, love the pic. Let the sparks fly!!!

  6. fantastic word choices. not that we should strive to choose our entries just to be "different" but yours is lovely and refreshing. thanks!

  7. Love it! I couldn't wait to get home to read everyone's posts. You warmed my heart. A huge Hagrid hug for you. Liz (artemisretreats)

  8. Thank you all! I'm deeply moved by your supportive response to this, my first, post. I am in a hopeful place right now, which amazes me when I think of the challenges this year threw at me. I am thankful to be here with you now. I look forward to reading your Reverb10 posts!
